If your employment status has not changed in the last few years, chances are you have not given your resume a second glance after you obtained your current position. While you may feel relieved that you no longer have to repeatedly customize your resume for prospective employers, it is still beneficial for you to maintain an updated resume of your job responsibilities. Simply pulling together your current skills and experience in a resume can help identify gaps that may exist in your knowledge or abilities, which can be helpful if you find yourself seeking a promotion or a new career in the future. When the economy experiences periods of downturn, it is always better to be armed with a strong, updated resume in the event you are unexpectedly without a job. You will be able to recover more quickly following a layoff if you have a current resume prepared.
Resumes are not only tools that can be used to acquire employment; you can use a resume to attract new clientele or to ensure loyalty among your current client base. Clients are always looking for reassurance that their resources are being spent in the most efficient manner that provides them with optimal results. Having your expertise presented in a resume increases the visibility of your value.
One of the keys to career impact and development is understanding yourself. Your resume not only highlights your skills and achievements, but also your passions and values. Through resumes, you can recall what environments you thrived in best and which ones presented greater challenges. Revisiting your accomplishments can boost your confidence and provide a clearer direction for your career.
Even if you never expect to be in the job market again, it is always beneficial to keep a fresh resume handy while working in an unpredictable economic climate.